Recent Projects

This website

At the time I made this site, I knew very little about CSS and front-end development. I wanted to learn more about this and also wanted a place to share some of my achievements, projects, notes, and general learning path. The website is hosted by GitHub Pages and the domain is routed via AWS (route55). The website uses a lot of custom CSS and I originally started the site with Jekyll.

See here for my Instructables tutorial on how flash firmware onto a GRBL CNC controller board firmware:

After having issues with firmware corruption on my CNC's control board, I saw that many people online were throwing out their boards and ordering new ones. I was familiar with flashing firmware from my previous experience with the uSDX, so I decided to write a quick tutorial for anyone who faces this problem.

QR Code Generator/Reader:

I added file input functionality to an open source QR code reader/generator. A friend of mine needed to encode text files, and it seemed none of the open source QR Code generators had file input functionality, only allowing plain text inputs.

Software / Systems Experience

Throughout my projects I have come across and become familiar with a number of different types of software, ranging a variety of purposes. Some of these include:


Python, Bash. Also familiar with C++ and Java

Cyber Security: Burp Suite, metasploit framework, nmap, rustscan, sliver, active directory, mimikatz, impacket, responder, smbclient, enum4linux, ftp, rpc, hashcat, aircrack-ng, gobuster, wpscan, whatweb, netcat, binwalk, ssh, gophish, etc.)

ChemDraw: Chemical structure representation, theoretical H/C-NMR projection, etc.

Adobe Lightroom, Photoshop

Digital radio modulation software (JTDX, FreeDV, PSK31, etc)

Microchip Studio: For JTag interface and ARM microcontrollers

MManaGAL: Antenna modeling

KiCAD: For creating printed circuit boards

bCNC / FlatCAM: For milling PCBs on my CNC. bCNC uses g-code, which is interpreted by the CNC controller to perform precision milling


JetBrains Suite: PyCharm, WebStorm (which I use for this site), RubyMine, CLion, and IntelliJ IDEA

GitHub & Git: For publishing my projects, collaboration, and being a part of the open source community

Jupyter Notebook / Seaborn / Matplotlib: Data visualization

Raspberry Pi

Microsoft & Libre Office Suite

Virtual box & QEMU: For creating virtual machines

Cyber Security: Parrot OS & Kali Linux as well as many of the tools included (Burp Suite, metasploit framework, hashcat, aircrack-ng, gobuster, wpscan, whatweb, netcat, binwalk, etc.)